8:00 am Check In & Morning Refreshments
8:25 am Chair’s Opening Remarks
Delving Into Advancements With Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Systems & Suprachoroidal Delivery
8:30 am Exploring the State of Play for Ophthalmic Drug Delivery to the Retina
- Examining recent developments in retinal drug delivery devices
- Uncovering innovation in suprachoroidal injection and subretinal delivery devices
- Exploring multiple routes of subretinal administration
9:00 am Expanding the Potential of the Suprachoroidal Space in Retinal Therapy
- Evaluating the durability of delivering drugs suprachoroidal to the macula
- Enhancing drug formulation for successful suprachoroidal delivery
- Updating on phase 3 clinical trial developments
9:30 am Advancing Targeted, Compartmentalized & Long-Acting Depot Delivery: Synergistic Combination of Particulate Formulation & Suprachoroidal Route of Administration
- Outlining the aqueous suspension depot formation of small molecule therapeutics capabilities
- Exploring the potential of suprachoroidal delivery as targeted and compartmentalized delivery platform
- Delving into preclinical and clinical assessment of suprachoroidal axitinib and triamcinolone acetonide
10:00 am Speed Networking & Morning Break
A prime chance to make the most of the in-person networking with a niche community of ophthalmic delivery professionals working in the space. This session is designed to maximize your introduction to numerous new individuals and serve as a catalyst for ongoing discussions during the summit
Advancements With Suprachoroidal Delivery & Eye Drops to Increase Distribution & Durability
11:00 am Driving forward Phase 3 DIAMOND trials of OCS-01 eye drops, a topical OPTIREACH formulation of high-concentration dexamethasone for DME
- Highlighting the OPTIREACH formulation technology and associated benefits
- Discussing remaining unmet medical needs for DME patient management
- Exploring the clinical evidence to date on the efficacy and safety of OCS-01 eye drops for DME
11:30 am Eyedrop formulation and ophthalmic delivery of lipophilic small molecules with MiDROPS®
- Review of microemulsion composition, preparation, and stability
- Evaluation of delivery to anterior and posterior tissues of the eye
- Clinical safety and activity of MiDROPS®
12:00 pm Panel Discussion: Overcoming Challenges in Suprachoroidal Drug Delivery to Streamline Clinical Development
12:30 pm Networking Lunch
Developments With Formulations, Artery Angioplasty & PPARa
1:30 pm Challenges in Developing Bioresorbable Intravitreal Long-Acting Implants by Extrusion
- Formulation Design – Drug-Polymer Solubility
- Polymer Characteristics
- Process Considerations
1:40 pm Discovering a Novel Approach to Sustained Drug Delivery Through the Design and Manufacturing of Processable Prodrugs
- Our Technology: based on a discovery that drugs can be chemically engineered into controlled release pharmaceuticals without the use of polymers
- Preclinical to Clinical Translation: Our first product for DME & RVO
- Future Direction: dry AMD feasibility & preclinical POC of our glaucoma product concepts
2:10 pm Roundtable Discussion: Optimizing Ophthalmic Formulations for Sustained Drug Delivery
Join conversations with your fellow peers to discuss delvelopments in formulations and assess the synergy between delivery systems.
Moderator Feedback & Audience Debate
- Moderators will be assigned to each roundtable to facilitate discussion and collate the findings. Following the roundtable discussions, they will present back to the entire delegation and open wider audience debate.
3:00 pm Afternoon Break
3:30 pm Delving into Vision Improvement in GA Patients by Ophthalmic Artery Angioplasty: A New Approach to Access the Eye
- Ophthalmic artery angioplasty study is the first interventional study that improved perfusion
- Showcasing advancements in GA patients improved visual acuity
- Detailing long lasting vision gaining after 6 months follow up
4:00 pm Considering Systemic Administration of PPARalpha Agonist for the Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy & AMD
- Understanding PPARa as a drug target for diabetic retinopathy
- Exploring novel non-fibrate PPARalpha agonists with higher potency and selectivity for PPARalpha agonism
- Demonstrating the effects on retinal degeneration, inflammation and neovascularization in diabetic and AMD animal models